Crypto Tax Laws: What You Need to Know for 2021

If you're one of the many investors who have jumped on the cryptocurrency bandwagon, congratulations! You've taken a step towards a promising investment opportunity that is sweeping the world by storm. However, while the hype around crypto investing is great, it's important to remember that you're also responsible for understanding tax laws and regulations. Knowing crypto tax laws is critical because it can save you a great deal of time and money in the long run.

If you're unfamiliar with crypto tax laws or need a refresher course, don't worry. This article will introduce you to the most important cryptocurrency tax rules you need to know for 2021. This way, you can accurately calculate your crypto investment taxes and ensure you're in compliance with the law.

What is Crypto Taxation?

Taxation is a fundamental part of the government's income, and this applies to profits made in the cryptocurrency market as well. If you've purchased, sold, traded or mined cryptocurrency, you are liable for taxation under the local tax laws. In simple terms, crypto taxation is the process of paying taxes on the profits you've made from investing in cryptocurrencies.

Do I Have to Pay Taxes on Crypto Investments?

Now that you know what crypto taxation is, you're likely wondering if you need to pay taxes on your cryptocurrency investments. The short answer is yes. The long answer is that cryptocurrency is taxed similarly to other assets, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate under the tax code.

If you sell, trade, or mine cryptocurrency for profit, you're responsible for declaring those profits and paying taxes on them. The IRS considers cryptocurrency as property, so when you sell them, you're realizing a capital gain or loss.

Two types of taxes apply to crypto investments: capital gains tax and income tax. Capital gains tax applies when you hold cryptocurrency as an investment and sell this for a profit. Income tax applies when you engage in cryptocurrency mining and receive payment for your services.

Crypto Tax Laws for 2021

With the rise of cryptocurrency popularity, the government is increasingly focused on enforcing crypto tax laws. Here are the most important changes to crypto tax laws you should know in 2021:

1. Crypto Tax Deadlines

The IRS considers cryptocurrency gains or losses as taxable income, and this means that you must file cryptocurrency taxes by April 15 each year. If you don't have any taxes to pay, you must still file your cryptocurrency tax returns with the IRS by the deadline. Failure to file your returns or pay your taxes will result in penalties imposed by the IRS.

2. Crypto Tax Forms

When it comes to cryptocurrency taxes, the IRS requires specific forms to be filed. These forms include:

3. Crypto Tax Rates

Cryptocurrency taxes are dependent on the tax bracket you fall under. Gains or losses made after holding cryptocurrency for one year are considered long-term capital gains, which may result in a lower tax rate compared to short-term capital gains. When cryptocurrency is sold and profits taken, capital gains taxes will be calculated based on the length of time of the investment and the tax bracket of the investor.

4. Crypto Tax Exemptions

If a taxpayer sells an asset but realizes a loss, such loss can be used to offset gains made with other assets, such as cryptocurrencies. This can reduce the overall tax bill on cryptocurrencies. However, these losses are limited to $3,000 per year or $1,500 if you're married and filing separately.

Also, if you donate cryptocurrency that you've held for over a year to a qualified charitable organization, you can deduct the fair-market value of the cryptocurrency from your income tax returns.

5. Audits and Compliance

The IRS has increased its focus on cryptocurrency and has started to enforce tax compliance. This means that you need to ensure you're keeping accurate records of all cryptocurrency transactions to ensure you're not in violation of any crypto tax laws. Any individual or business that fails to comply with IRS guidelines is subjected to federal tax penalties.

Tips for Crypto Tax Returns

The goal of any crypto investor is to maximize profits and minimize tax liabilities. Here are some tips to help you do so:

1. Keep Accurate Records

Keeping good records is essential for accurate tax compliance. You need to record all transactions when you purchase, sell, or trade cryptocurrency, including the date and time, the price, and the type of cryptocurrency held.

2. Use Tax Software

Tax software can help you track and accurately report crypto taxes. It can also keep you up-to-date on the latest tax laws and help you save money on tax returns.

3. Consult with a Crypto Tax Expert

The cryptocurrency market is still relatively new, and there are ambiguities when it comes to tax laws. This is why it's essential to consult with a tax specialist who is skilled in cryptocurrency taxation to help you navigate.


Cryptocurrency is an exciting investment that shows great potential for significant returns—but it's essential to be aware of the tax responsibilities and liabilities associated with investing in cryptocurrencies. Understanding and following cryptocurrency tax laws and regulations is key to minimizing your tax liabilities and avoiding potential penalties. So, take the knowledge of these rules and use them to benefit you and your investments. Happy crypto investing!

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